10.04 pm / daily life · writing

Describe the year in three words. Educative, short, stressful.
What songs will remind you of this year? There are so many! Looking at my 2014 Spotify playlist, I bet Happy, Boom Clap, Rude and Happy Little Pill are ones that will definitely make me think of this year.
What did you spend money on the most? School books, definitely. And beauty products.
What do you wish you had done more/less? I was quite stressed at times, and I wish I would have just tried to take it easier and try to not stress about things that do not matter.
What is something good that happened this year? I finally started high school. I've felt a lot happier too.
What is something bad that happened this year? My granddad died. I also had my third (or fourth?) surgery for my finger.
Did you get better at something, or did you learn something new? The only thing I can think of right now is Spanish. I studied quite a lot of Spanish, which I've wanted to do for so long. 
What are you most proud of? I'm proud that I actually survived the year in 10th grade, and actually managed to get some pretty good grades from there too. I've also been pretty good at this high school thing. Some of my grades could be better, but I've gotten some really good ones too. I've also started going to the gym, and started eating a bit healthier. I've been a really good friend too, if I can say so myself.
Who did you hang out with the most? Definitely my friend Fanny. 
Have you been in a relationship this year? Nope.
Did you meet any new people? Yes! When I started high school this autumn there were a few people in my class who aren't from here, and I have never before spoken to most of the other people either.
Did you travel anywhere? I went to Tallinn for a few days in May, and that's the only place outside Finland I've been to. 
What do you think next year is going to be like? Amazing! 
What are you going to do differently next year? I'm going to challenge myself more, and try more new things. I'm also going to be more active on my blog, take more photos, write and read more. So basically do more of what I enjoy. 
Do you already have any plans for next year? Yes! I'm seeing One Direction twice in the summer, which I'm the most excited about. Also me and my friends all turn 18, so that's exciting (not really).


11.27 pm / hauls

Merry Christmas everyone! Here in Finland Christmas is technically over already, since we celebrate it on the 24th. I don't know why, but it doesn't feel like Christmas at all this year. Either way, I've had a really nice day with my family, and I hope you all had too! Or will have, depending on when you celebrate. 

Thought I would do a 'what I got for Christmas' post again this year, so here we go!

I got The Fault in Our Stars and Divergent on DVD just like I wanted. I actually didn't ask for much this year, so I got everything I wanted too. 
If I've noticed something these past years, it's that my family likes to buy me One Direction merch I don't even want. This year I only asked for FOUR, but my family thought it would be fun to also buy me the 2015 calendar, a notebook and a towel.

I got a box of denim nail polish and some decorations from my friend. My mum also bought me glitter nail polish (278 from Essie) and touch screen gloves. My step dad bought me a small speaker for my phone. I asked for a Harry Potter book (yes, I am one of those people who hasn't read the books), so my aunt bought me one.

My mum and step dad bought me a new computer! I've pretty much been waiting for my old one to stop working for over a year now, so they thought it's time for me to get a new one. I also got an antivirus program and an office package (with word, powerpoint etc.)
I also got a mug that changes colour when you pour something hot in it, a shirt, sweater. chocolate, money, a gift card to Kicks and one to a local clothing store. I think that's all! I am so greatful and happy for everything I got. What did you get for Christmas? 

Christmas Tag

08.33 pm / daily life · writing

1. What is your favourite Christmas movie/s?
To be honest, I haven't really seen that many Christmas movies, but my favourite ones out of the ones I've seen are Home Alone and Elf.
2. Where do you usually spend your holidays?
I spend Christmas at home, but within the next three days I usually go to my grandmother's house to spend the rest of my Christmas break and New Years there.
3. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
Yes! In Finland we celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve, so that's when we open the presents too.
5. What made you realise the truth about Santa?
My mum told me the truth when I was like 7-8 years old.
6. Favourite festive food?
I'm not really a fan of the traditional Finnish Christmas dinner, but I could probably eat potato casserole every day for the rest of my life.
7. Favourite Christmas scent?
I love the smell of nearly done Christmas food. One of the best things I know is waking up to the smell of the ham in the oven. Can't complain about the smell of the Christmas tree either!
8. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
I usually don't do anything before dinner around 4-5pm. We open presents after we've eaten and cleaned up a little, and that's pretty much it. 
10. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
I don't even know how many years I asked for an ice cream maker. I'm still upset I never got one!

11. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
I love everything about Christmas! I love spending time with my family, even if it's just me, my brother and my mum. I love the fact that it's a break from school, I love presents, I love eating, I love Christmas songs and movies. Even though it's exactly the same every year, it still feels special every single year.


09.43 pm / favourites

At first I was supposed to post a "current favourites" post, but since it's been so long since the last time I blogged, this won't just be about products. 

My old fairy lights broke a few months ago, and my mum found these purple ones that she thought would look nice in my room. Which they do! I especially love having them now around Christmas. 

We got iPads from school (they were not free, we do have to pay for them!) so obviously this is my new favourite thing. I hardly even use my computer anymore, using the iPad is so much easier. 

I got this mascara from my friend Susanna after her trip to USA and I love it. Unfortunately you can't get it from Finland and I don't think there's much left of mine anymore. How will I survive?

School isn't one of my favourites, but I didn't want to not mention this at all. As you might know, I started high school in August and it's actually going quite well. At times it gets really stressful, especially when I leave everything to the last minute and suddenly there's five different essays or other projects that need to be done that day. But I've still managed to get some pretty good grades, especially in languages! 
As you may or may not know, One Direction are finally coming to Finland. And they're having not only one, but two concerts here. And I'm going to both of them! My bank account hates me, but considering I've been a fan for years and I honestly thought I would never get to see them live, at least not in Finland, I just have to go. Also, their new album FOUR is so good! Even if you're not a fan, listen to it. Spotify link here.
I also finally managed to get a gym membership, which I'm really proud of myself for. A year ago if you would have asked me if I think I'll be going to the gym in a year, I would just have laughed. I created a "happy and healthy" blog a few months ago but I actually never did anything about it. But now! Click.