Christmas Tag
08.33 pm / daily life · writing

To be honest, I haven't really seen that many Christmas movies, but my favourite ones out of the ones I've seen are Home Alone and Elf.
2. Where do you usually spend your holidays?
I spend Christmas at home, but within the next three days I usually go to my grandmother's house to spend the rest of my Christmas break and New Years there.
I spend Christmas at home, but within the next three days I usually go to my grandmother's house to spend the rest of my Christmas break and New Years there.
3. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
Yes! In Finland we celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve, so that's when we open the presents too.
5. What made you realise the truth about Santa?
My mum told me the truth when I was like 7-8 years old.
6. Favourite festive food?
I'm not really a fan of the traditional Finnish Christmas dinner, but I could probably eat potato casserole every day for the rest of my life.
7. Favourite Christmas scent?
I love the smell of nearly done Christmas food. One of the best things I know is waking up to the smell of the ham in the oven. Can't complain about the smell of the Christmas tree either!
8. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
I usually don't do anything before dinner around 4-5pm. We open presents after we've eaten and cleaned up a little, and that's pretty much it.
10. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
I don't even know how many years I asked for an ice cream maker. I'm still upset I never got one!
11. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
I love everything about Christmas! I love spending time with my family, even if it's just me, my brother and my mum. I love the fact that it's a break from school, I love presents, I love eating, I love Christmas songs and movies. Even though it's exactly the same every year, it still feels special every single year.