new planner
10.00 am / plan with me

Jag nämnde någon månad sedan att jag har börjat använda en bullet journal, men någon vecka (månad?) sedan fick jag för mig att jag vill prova på något nytt. Jag köpte tillsist en pärm, med tanken att fylla den med prickigt papper. Samma koncept alltså, men annorlunda utseende.
I mentioned some months ago that I've started bullet journaling, but a few weeks ago I decided I wanted to try something else. I ended up buying a binder. My plan is to fill the binder with dot pages, instead of having a notebook with dot pages. So, it's the same concept, but it looks different.

Jag klippte ut de rutiga pappren från min bullet journal. Varför lämna en bullet journal med tiotals tomma sidor oanvänd, och istället spendera några tio euron på nya papper? Lika bra kan man klippa bort pappren och använda dem i denna pärm istället.
Fixade ihop på lördagkväll sidor för de två sista november veckorna. In på december går jag inte än, men gjorde färdigt en monthly spread för december eftersom jag redan nu måste pricka in vissa saker.
I cut out pages from my notebook and filled this binder with them instead. Why spend money on new pages when you can use up the ones from the notebook? I've now made weekly spreads for the next two weeks, as well as a monthly spread for December, since I already have things I need to write down for the month. I'll make the weekly spreads probably next week.

Mitt bullet journaling är fortfarande väldigt i början och därmed experimenterar jag ännu och provar mig fram till vad jag tycker bäst om. Men det är ju väldigt kul med variation också. Älskar att man kan laga en personlig kalender, välja exakt hur den ska se ut, och man är allt annat än fast i det där vanliga, tråkiga, utseendet kalendrar köpta från vanliga butiker har.
My bullet journaling, planning, whatever you want to call it, is still very much in the beginning so I'm still trying out different things to find out what I like the most. I absolutely love how you can make your own planner look just the way you want, make it personal, and you're definitely not stuck with the boring looking calendars from the stores.

Skulle ni vara intresserade att se mer av bujo-inlägg? Would anyone be interested to see more of these bujo related posts?
06.00 pm / plan with me
All my Etsy orders have arrived, and here is everything I bought! I'm not going to focus on what I'm going to use them for - this is just to show you what I bought, not why I got them. I've linked all the shops and the items so you can easily find them if you're interested.
Shipping is my worst enemy, so I try to not buy from shops with expensive shipping, so all these shops are from Europe (Poland, UK, Finland) and the shipping to Finland is less than 4 euros
Jag har fått alla mina Etsy beställningar hem, och här är allting jag köpt! Jag kommer inte fokusera på vad jag kommer använda dem till - detta är bara för att visa vad jag köpt, inte vaför. Jag har länkar till alla butiker och produkterna, så ni kan lätt hitta dem om ni är intresserade.
Fraktkostnader är min största fiende, så jag försöker att inte köpa från butiker med höga kostnader, så alla dessa butiker är från Europa (Polen, Storbritannien, Finland) och frakten till Finland är mindre än 4 euro.

From EllieBethDesignsUK I only bought this sheet with a total of 682 tiny dots. I got 20% off it, so I ended up paying around one euro less than the original price.

From CartaPrintea I bought exclamation marks, and there's a total of 96 of them. I made the order together with my friend, and since our order was over $20 we got a free grab bag too (original price 2,81€). We shared it so we both got the stickers we wanted and will get the most use of. We got 20% off of this order.

From EllieBethDesignsUK I only bought this sheet with a total of 682 tiny dots. I got 20% off it, so I ended up paying around one euro less than the original price.

From CartaPrintea I bought exclamation marks, and there's a total of 96 of them. I made the order together with my friend, and since our order was over $20 we got a free grab bag too (original price 2,81€). We shared it so we both got the stickers we wanted and will get the most use of. We got 20% off of this order.

My last order was from Heidi's Little Planner. I got a sheet of 12 movie stickers, 18 label stickers, 20 weight scales, and two sheets of 25 dumbbells.

I also asked my friend to order this sheet of cactus stickers from Stickers Gonna Stick (they are currently closed), which she then gave me for free. She also gave me these super cute cat stickers.
That's all for now! I will be buying more stickers (and sticky notes) soon, and I will probably be printing out some too. More on all that later though!
Det var allt! Jag kommer köpa mer klistermärken (och klisterlappar) snart, och jag kommer troligtvis även skriva ut hemma själv. Mer om det senare!
03.12 pm / plan with me
I recently got obsessed with watching planner videos like plan with me and planner supplies hauls, and because of those I got inspired to start decorating my own planner, so I started planning and looking for stickers from Etsy. I've already placed my first order, and I'm soon going to place my second one.
I am going to make some planner related blog posts, not sure how many but there's going to be at least a few. I know these kinds of posts and videos aren't for everyone, but I really want to blog about this because I think it's really interesting to see how other people use their planners and who knows, I might inspire someone along the way.

I am going to make some planner related blog posts, not sure how many but there's going to be at least a few. I know these kinds of posts and videos aren't for everyone, but I really want to blog about this because I think it's really interesting to see how other people use their planners and who knows, I might inspire someone along the way.

This school year I'm using a planner from Burde. I asked my friend to buy one for me since I couldn't myself, and when I got it in the mail today she had written a letter saying I could consider it a late birthday/early Christmas present. How incredibly nice. So again, thank you so much (if you're reading this)!

The reason why I wanted this planner was because it comes with four different covers you can choose from, or you could just make your own, which is what I am going to do.

You can also choose between having a black or a white back cover, or making your own.

The weekly view is nothing special, just like any other planner really. The hours go from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M., so you can use those if you want. There's plenty of space for notes on the second page, but there's also some space for notes for each day.

You can also choose between having a black or a white back cover, or making your own.

The weekly view is nothing special, just like any other planner really. The hours go from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M., so you can use those if you want. There's plenty of space for notes on the second page, but there's also some space for notes for each day.

Back in the calender there's a note section, with both squared and ruled pages. There's also a few pages where you can write down addresses, numbers and/or e-mails.

There's also some pages with information about financial aid for students, how to apply for schools and studying abroad. There's a list of different smileys and also a size chart so you can compare the shoe and clothing sizes around the world. I don't think I need any of these, but they're nice little additions to the planner and might be useful for someone.