Meet My Kittens
09.00 am / daily life · photography

Idag (igår när inlägget publiceras) hoppade jag på bussen till Åbo. Det blev en väldigt kort visit på 1,5h. Jag hoppade på tåget tillbaka hem, med mig hade jag två små fluffbollar. Bloggen, säg hej till mina 12 veckor gamla bebisar, Suki och Chibi.
Resan gick otroligt bra. Inget gråt, de sov faktiskt största delen av tiden. Chibi var vaken medan vi väntade på tåget, men Suki sov även då. Då vi kom hem började de genast gå nyfiket omkring i lägenheten, de lekte, fick mat, och lekte lite till tills de inte orkade mer. Sedan sov de lite, för att sedan springa lite omkring igen. Just nu springer de båda över min dator med jämna mellanrum.
// Today (yesterday when this post is being published) I got on the bus to Turku. It was a very short visit that took 1,5h. I got on the train back home, with me two small fluffballs. Blog, say hello to my 12 week old babies, Suki and Chibi.
The train ride was a success. They didn' cry at all, they actually slept most of the time. Chibi was awake while we waited for the train, but Suki slept then, too. They started exploring the apartment immediately when we came home, then they played a little, ate, and played some more until they were tired. They slept a little, just to run around again. They keep walking on and jumping over my laptop as I'm writing this.

Hur vet man vem som är vem? Chibi har en pink näsa, och är lite mindre i storleken. Suki har svart näsa. Suki är definitivt lugnare och mer avslappnad. Hon står bredvid och ser på när Chibi leker, springer från rum till rum som aldrig tidigare och hoppar högt upp. Suki är lättare att fota, eftersom hon står mer stilla och dessutom tittar rakt in i kameran då hon hör ljudet av den. Jag ser verkligen fram emot att spendera de följande, förhoppningsvis 20 åren med dessa två. ❤︎
// How do you know who's who? Chibi has a pink nose, and is a bit smaller. Suki has a black nose. Suki is definitely calmer and more relaxed. She looks at Chibi who's playing, running from room to room like never before and jumping up high. Suki is also a lot more easier to take pictures of, since she stays more still and she looks right into the camera when she hears the sound of it. I'm very excited to spend the next, hopefully 20 years with these two. ❤︎
Lux Helsinki
11.00 am / daily life · photography

På onsdagen tog jag och Susanna tåget in till centrum för att uppleva årets Lux Helsinki. Det är en ljusfestival som i år under mörkrets tider lyste upp Helsingfors centrum för tionde året i rad. Jag har aldrig tidigare varit på Lux, men jag hade hört en hel del negativt om årets festival, så jag gick inte på plats med väldigt stora förväntningar, men var ändå förväntansfull. Riktigt fint och roligt var det ändå, trots det kalla vädret. Susanna vloggade sin dag på onsdagen, så om ni vill se videomaterial (på finska) från kvällen kan ni klicka in er på hennes Youtube kanal imorgon!
// Susanna and I took the train to the city center on Wednesday afternoon, to experience this year's Lux Helsinki. It's a light festival that lighted up the dark center of Helsinki for the 10th time this year. I've never been to Lux before, but I had heard some negative opinions about this year's festival, so I didn't go there with high expectations, but I was still a bit excited. It was pretty beautiful and fun, despite the cold weather. If you'd like to see video material (in Finnish) from Lux, take a look at Susanna's vlog on her Youtube channel tomorrow!

08.31 pm / daily life · photography

I spent a few hours outside the other taking photos, mostly of my friend. Might share some photos soon once I've edited them and asked for permission!
It felt really nice to go out and take photos again, it's been so long since the last time I even had the inspiration to do it. I still remember how much I loved photographing, and I really want to start doing it again. I wrote about this a few months ago too, but nothing has changed since that. How on earth do I change it, how do I get the inspiration back?
// Jag spenderade häromdagen några timmar utomhus med min kompis, vi fotade lite men främst tog jag bilder på henne. Kommer säkert dela med mig några, måste bara editera dem först och fråga om lov att visa dem!
It felt really nice to go out and take photos again, it's been so long since the last time I even had the inspiration to do it. I still remember how much I loved photographing, and I really want to start doing it again. I wrote about this a few months ago too, but nothing has changed since that. How on earth do I change it, how do I get the inspiration back?
// Jag spenderade häromdagen några timmar utomhus med min kompis, vi fotade lite men främst tog jag bilder på henne. Kommer säkert dela med mig några, måste bara editera dem först och fråga om lov att visa dem!
Det kändes bra att vara ute och fota igen, då det är väldigt länge sedan jag senast hade någon inspiration att överhuvudtaget fota. Jag minns fortfarande hur mycket jag älskade att fota förr, jag vill verkligen få inspirationen tillbaka. Hur i hela världen ska jag ändra på detta och få tillbaka min inspiration och intresse för fotandet?
02.00 pm / photography

10.30 pm / daily life · photography
It's been two weeks since my summer holiday started, and honestly I haven't done much at all. Not that there has been much to do either, since the weather has been absolutely rubbish most of the time. What I have done though, is spent way too much time on my computer. I've gone through all the pictures on my computer, and ended up deleting thousands, as well as editing quite a few too.

The same day my holiday started, I went to the beach to take some pictures of my friends who graduated. I also visited Helsinki with my friend on the 12th, since it was Helsinki-päivä and there was a free concert with artists like Robin and JVG.

One of the things I really want to do this summer, is to start taking photos again. I absolutely loved it a few years ago, and I still do, I just never actually grab my camera and go take those pictures I daydream about. And the sad thing is that most of the time it's like my brain doesn't even remember cameras still exist.
// Sommarlovet började för två veckor sedan, och helt ärligt har jag inte fått så mycket gjort. Jag har dock spenderat väldigt mycket tid vid datorn, då jag har sett igenom alla bilder på datorn och därmed raderat tusentals samt redigerat en hel del också. Samma dag som mitt lov började gick jag till stranden för att ta några bilder på mina vänner som tagit studenten, och den 12e åkte jag till Helsingfors för att njuta av en gratis koncert med artister som Robin och JVG.
Jag älskade att fota för några år sedan, och även om jag fortfarande älskar det, så tar jag jätte sällan upp kameran för att fota. Ibland dagdrömmer jag om alla fina bilder jag kunde ta, men för det mesta lever jag med en hjärna som har totalt glömt bort att kameror alls existerar. Så denna sommaren vill jag definitivt börja fota igen!
07.32 pm / photography

The other day when I couldn't sleep, I noticed the sun shining through my window and I decided to get up and take some pictures. I love sunsets, but there's nothing better than listening to the birds while watching the sunrise and the sky looking absolutely amazing.
Most people prefer sunsets because that's what they see more, but I'm the opposite. I don't think we appreciate sunrises enough. A sunrise is the start of something new - we have a new day ahead of us as well as new opportunities and adventures, and we're lucky enough to be alive to experience it all.
Most people prefer sunsets because that's what they see more, but I'm the opposite. I don't think we appreciate sunrises enough. A sunrise is the start of something new - we have a new day ahead of us as well as new opportunities and adventures, and we're lucky enough to be alive to experience it all.
10.11 pm / daily life · photography

Here's some pictures from Friday when we were kinda celebrating my friends birthday. We made some food, played Mölkky, took pictures and stuff like that. Even though my friend was late and we had trouble turning on the grill, the night was great and it was so fun seeing my friends again.
05.37 pm / daily life · photography

I've been at my grandma's house for about a week and a half, and since it's been raining every single day I haven't done much more than started re-watching Two and A Half Men, planned my calendar for next year and worked on a new blog design. I'm hoping for more sunny days before I leave so I can take more pictures and maybe get some footage for a video.
10.53 pm / daily life · photography

A week ago me and two of my friends decided to have a picnic - one thing checked off my "things to do this summer" -list! I, with the help of my friends, filmed some clips and since then I've been, except for dying in bed with 38,3 degrees fever, editing the clips and made it into a video.
I'm not really happy with how it turned out but it was hard to get it as I wanted since I wasn't the only one who filmed and none of us three are really used to filming. But check it out if you want anyway! I have a few video ideas so I might be making more videos in the near future.

01.41 am / photography

So, here's the thing. I really want to update my blog at least once a week, but lately I haven't had anything to blog about. Luckily my summer holiday starts really soon and then I'll hopefully start taking more pictures again, and I'll actually have something to blog about.
But that's not until in a few weeks, so is there something you would want me to blog about? I currently don't have anything in mind myself, so please leave a comment if there's something you want to see.
09.47 pm / photography

10.21 pm / photography
I didn't have anything against a snowless winter but here we are. It is nice to have some snow though, 'cause it's not as dark anymore and it actually feels like winter, unlike two weeks ago when it never stopped raining. There's not too much snow either so I won't complain yet. But it could be a bit warmer, I'm really not a fan of -20 degrees weather.
last day of summer
01.51 am / photography

I was on the beach with my friends today, where we grilled bacon, sausages and marshmallows and we also had some salad and baguettes. We took pictures and stuff too, it was really fun and especially since we're not in the same school anymore so we can't really see each other that often.
My school starts on Monday, and I'm really not looking forward to it. I don't really know anyone there and I have to travel a lot by train everyday and yeah. I would just rather not leave the house.
My school starts on Monday, and I'm really not looking forward to it. I don't really know anyone there and I have to travel a lot by train everyday and yeah. I would just rather not leave the house.
a few pictures
12.07 am / photography

I'm the worst blogger ever, I'm sorry. I have a few posts in mind though, so hopefully I'm gonna start blogging a bit more soon. Until then, here's a few pictures I took earlier this summer of my grandmother's cat and her turtle.