LUSH'S TAILORED ADVENT CALENDAR 2018⎪doors 19-24 + Overall thoughts about it?
04.57 pm / beauty & nail art
In English below.

Dags för de sex sista luckorna i LUSH kalendern. Här kom endast en tester, och resten var produkter i full storlek. Testern jag fick var fotkrämen Pink Peppermint - pink till färgen och doftar till pepparmint. Ska lugna och mjukgöra fötterna. Dessutom fick jag Plum Rain duschgél som innehåller plommonjuice och mandarinolja, och Mask of Magnaminty som är en djuprengörande kropps- och ansiktsmask. Det var också den enda produkten jag hade skrivit att jag önskar få.

Fick också Damaged som är en het oljeinpackning, och denna ska bli väldigt intressant och rolig att testa. I sista luckan fick jag en Twilight kroppsspray som har en doft av lavendel. Doftar väldigt gott.

Dessutom fick jag min första "naked produkt"! Once Upon A Time, en bodylotion. Kommer alltså utan förpackning och är därmed i fast form.
Så, vad tyckte jag om kalendern? En otroligt bra idé, då man får produkter som passar en själv och man kan dessutom önska vad man vill ha och vad man inte vill ha. Risken för onödiga produkter är alltså mindre, än i en färdig kalender där alla får samma. Vad jag alltså menar är, att man inte t.ex. får badbomber om man nämner att man inte vill ha sådana, eller om man säger att man har torr hud så får man inte produkter menat för fet hud.
Jag hade i samband med beställningen skrivit att jag gillar citrus- och mintdofter, är i synnerhet intresserad av att prova någon shampoo för fett hår och att jag gärna tar emot ansiktsmasker. Jag beskrev också min hudtyp, att jag har otroligt torra händer nu på vintern, och önskade mig Mask of Magnaminty och produkter jag inte var intresserad av var badbomber. Allt jag skrev togs i beaktande. Jag fick shampoo, ansiktsmasken jag önskade, handkräm, läppbalsam. Nästan allting doftade av citrus eller mint och jag fick ingen badbomb. Det kom produkter utav alla sorter vilket var jätte bra, och jag fick också produkter jag hade behov av eller intresse att prova, men som jag inte förstod att önska. Slutliga priset för innehållet var ganska högt över det jag betalade, så det var definitivt värt pengarna. Ska bli roligt att ordentligt prova alla produkter jag fick, hitta nya favoriter och kanske också produkter jag inte alls gillar.
// The last six doors in the LUSH advent calendar. In these doors I got a sample of the Pink Peppermint footlotion, a package free Once Upon a Time bodylotion, Plum Rain shower gel, Mask of Magnaminty face and body mask, Damaged hot oil hairtreatment and lastly, the Twilight body spray.
So, what did I think of the tailored advent calender? I think it's such a good idea, since you get products that actually fit you, and you can wish for products or mention what you don't want. This means a smaller risk of unnecessary products you won't use. I had wished for products that smell of citrus and mint, face masks, shampoo for oily hair and I described what kind of skin I have. I wish for Mask of Magnaminty and I didn't want bath bombs. The calendar contained exactly these products, so it really was a calendar just for me. What I especially liked about this was that I got products of all kinds, and I even got products I didn't understand to wish for, but still want to try or need. The price of all these products is well over what I actually paid, so it was definitely worth the money. I'm very excited to properly try out all these products and hopefully find some new favourites and maybe some I don't like at all.
07.00 am / beauty & nail art
In English below.

Dags för luckorna 13-18! I dessa luckor fick jag tre hela produkter och tre testers. Ansiktsmasken Rudolph, dushjellyn Whoosh, I love juicy shampoo, nagelbandskrämen Lemony flutter, Magic Crystals duschskrubb och Rainbow fun.
Rudolph innehåller bland annat kakaopulver och apelsinjuice, och ska lugna och uppfriska huden. Jag har redan provat den, den doftar gott på huden och huden känns väldigt mjuk och ren efteråt. Fun är en produkt man kan använda som vad som helst, t.ex. kan man sätta den i badet eller använda som shampoo.

I love juicy shampoot har jag redan använt ett par gånger. Shampookakan jag fick i första luckan gör mitt hår väldigt elektriskt, men den här gör det inte vilket är skönt. "Blandningen ger huden spänst och blåser bort tröttheten." står det på produktsidan för Whoosh. Den har en stark doft av grapefrukt och citron.
Nagelbandskrämen är jag fortfarande helt förvirrad över. Förra veckan satt jag och såg på mina nagelband som är väldigt torra och ser ganska hemska ut. Jag funderade om Lush kanske har något för nagelband, men kollade inte upp det. På söndagen fanns nagelbandskräm i påsen. Jag förstår inte hur det var möjligt :D

Time for doors 13-18! This time I got three full products and three samples. Rudolph the jellymask, Whoosh shower jelly, I love juicy shampoo, Lemony flutter cuticle butter, Magic crystals showersrcub and Rainbow Fun. Rudolph contains cacaopowder and orangejuice, and is supposed to sooth and rejuvenate your skin. I've already used it, it smells good on your skind and leaves your skin soft and clean. Fun is a product that can be used for pretty much anything, for exampe in the bath or as shampoo. The I love juicy shampoo doesn't leave my hair static as the shampoo bar from an earlier door, which is great. "This juicy citrus fruit tones the skin and blasts away sleepiness" is what the product page of Whoosh says on the Lush website, and it has a strong grapefruit and lemon smell. I'm so confused about the cuticle butter. Last week I was looking at my cuticles which are very dry and ugly at the moment. I wondered if Lush might have something for cuticles, but I didn't look it up. On Sunday I opened the bag and saw this cuticle butter. What on earth. How is this possible :D
06.51 pm / beauty & nail art
English translations after the Swedish texts.
Dags att se vad jag fått i luckorna 7-12 i min personaliserade LUSH adventkalender. Om du missat det första inlägget där jag berättar vad detta är för en kalender samt visar innehållet av de första sex luckorna, så hittar du inlägget här.
/ ENG: Time to see what I got in doors 7-12 in my tailored LUSH adventcalendar. If you missed the first post, where I talk about more about this calendar and show what I got in the first six doors, click here.

I den sjunde luckan fick jag Key Lime Pie, ett läppbalsam som doftar lime. Jag hade skrivit i min text att jag har torra läppar nu på vintern, så som tur packade de denna med! Det läppbalsamet jag nu har använt är dessutom nästan slut, så jag behöver inte köpa nytt riktigt än!
There was a lime scented lip balm, Key Lime Pie, in the seventh door. I wrote that I have dry lips now during the winter, so luckily they gave me one of these! I've almost used up my current lip balm so now I don't have to buy a new one yet.

I åttonde luckan fick jag en tester av Cinders duschgelén. Den har en ganska stark och kryddig doft (apelsinolja, ingefära, muskot och kryddpeppar) men den doftar riktigt gott! Det är en av deras julprodukter, så måste prova den någon dag så jag vet om jag måste springa till LUSH ännu nästa vecka, innan den är slut...
The eight door: a sample of the Cinders shower gel. It has a pretty strong and spicy scent (orange oil, ginger, nutmeg and allspice powders) but I like it! It's one of their Christmas products, so I'll have to try it soon so I know if I have to run to LUSH next week before the product is gone...

Jag har redan länge funderat på att börja använda en mer miljovänlig deodorant, men har inte ens tänkt på att LUSH faktiskt har deodoranter, så när jag öppnade den nionde luckan var jag positivt överraskad! Dock har denna Aromaco deodoranten en väldigt stark lukt, lite muldig och manlig skulle jag beskriva den som. Jag var ganska fundersam över denna på grund av lukten, men jag har använt den nu i några dagar och den fungerar bra, så ska nog försöka använda den slut iallafall, men tror nog inte att jag köper den själv senare.
For a while now I've thought about switching to a more environmentally friendly deodorant, but I haven't even thought about the fact that LUSH actually sells deodorants, so when I opened the ninth door I was pleasantly surprised! This Aromaco deodorant has a very strong scent though. Kinda mouldy and manly, is the best way I can describe the scent. Because the scent isn't exactly too nice, I was really unsure about this product. But I've been trying it now for a few days and it's working really well, so I'll use it up (or at least try to) but I don't think I'll be buying it myself later.

Satsuma tvål! Doftar helt ljuvligt (apelsin) och kommer utan någon förpackning (förutom den lilla papperspåsen).
Satsuma soap! Smells lovely (orange) and comes without packaging (except for the small paperbag).

I den elfte luckan fanns en tester av Snow Fairy kroppsbalsamet, som jag redan i förra inlägget nämnde att jag redan har, så detta var en bekant produkt.
Behind the eleventh door was a sample of the Snow Fairy body conditioner, which I actually in the last post mentioned I already own, so this is a familiar product for me.

Och sist för idag finns en tester av Bûche de Noël, som är en färsk rengöringsprodukt. Många julprodukter (3) och testers (4) i detta inlägg!
And last for today is a tester of Bûche de Noël, which is a fresh cleanser. Many Christmas products (3) and samplers (4) in this post!
LUSH's Tailored Advent Calendar 2018⎪doors 1-6
06.19 pm / beauty & nail art
English translations after the Swedish text.

Jag är inte så speciellt intresserad av kosmetikadventskalendrar (eller andra som innehåller saker för den delen), eftersom de är dyra och med stor sannolikhet finns det många produkter man inte tycker om som sedan blir onödiga. Men när Finlands Lush på Instagram berättade att de i år erbjuder en personaliserad adventskalender så blev jag intresserad. Jag tycker om Lush och deras produkter, men det att kalendern görs just för dig var det som fick mig intresserad. Efter många om och men och mycket tänkande så skickade jag iväg beställningen, och några dagar senare gick jag till affären och blev lite chockerad över hur stort paketet var som kvinnan hämtade från bakrummet åt mig.
ENG: I'm not really interested in cometics advent calendars since they're expensive, and there's a big chance you'll get many things in it that you don't like. But when Finland's Lush said on Instagram that they're selling tailored adventcalendars this year, I got interested. I like Lush and their products, but the fact that it's made just for you was what really made me interested. After a lot of thinking I made the decision to order one.

I samband med beställningen fick man alltså skriva en kort (eller lång) text och de fixade sedan på basen av det ihop en kalender åt just dig. Jag skrev i min text om hurdan hudtyp jag har, vad jag önskar mig, vad jag inte har behov av och vilka dofter jag tycker bäst om. Kalendern fanns i fyra olika prisklasser och jag betalade för min 100€. Det är en väldigt stor summa (i synnerhet för en studerande utan jobb), men innan beställningen kom jag fram till att det nog är värt det. Jag stöder gärna Lush och det är ändå en personaliserad kalender. Kalendern innehåller både testers och riktiga produkter.
Eftersom det här är en lite annorlunda kalender så tänkte jag dela med mig vad jag får i den. Så förvänta er fyra inlägg nu i december, där jag visar sex luckor i taget. Vi börjar med de sex första!
ENG: When ordering the calendar you could write something that would help the workers decide what to put in your calendar. I wrote what kind of skin I have, what I wish to get, what I don't need and what kind of scents I like. I paid 100€ for mine (there were also three other prices available), which is a lot of money (especially for a student without a job), but I do think it's worth it. I'll gladly support Lush and it's a tailored calendar after all. The calendar is filled with both testers and full-sized products. Since it's a bit of a different calendar I thought it would be fun to share what I get in it. Let's start with the six first doors!

I första luckan fick jag en tester av Jumping Juniper schampokakan. Jag hade i samband med beställningen skrivit att jag är intresserad av schampo, så att jag fick genast i första luckan en var en positiv överraskning! Jumping Juniper har en väldigt fräsch doft av citrus.
On the first day I got a sample of the Jumping Juniper schampoo bar. I wrote that I'm interested in schampoos so it was a positive surprise that I got one already in the first door! Jumping Juniper smells really fresh and lemony.

Charity Pot hand- och kroppslotion. Handkräm var också något jag skrev att jag vill ha, eftersom jag nu på vintern har så torra händer att de blir röda och svider. Sitter som bäst med sjuka händer eftersom jag glömt att smörja in nu två dagar... Har provat denna redan och den verkar riktigt bra!
Charity Pot hand and body lotion. Handlotion was something I also wished for since I'm in desperate need of handlotion now during the winter. My hands are so dry that they turn red and start to hurt. I'm actually writing this with hurting hands since I've forgotten to use handlotion now for two days.. I've already tried this and it seems pretty good!

I tredje luckan gömde sig en liten tester av Ultabland som är någon typ av rengöringsprodukt. Enligt Lushs hemsida tar den bort all smuts och makeup utan att ta bort hudens naturliga skydd. Ska bli intressant att prova!
Another sample was hiding behind the third door. This time a tester of Ultrabland, which is a cleanser. According to Lush's website it's supposed to remove all the dirt and makeup from your face, without removing any of your skins natural defenses. I'm excited to try this!

I fjärde luckan fick jag också en tester, här Snow Fairy duschgelé. Jag älskar Snow Fairy doften och har faktiskt från tidigare både denna duschgelé och kroppsbalsam.
On the fourth day I got a sample of the Snow Fairy shower gel. I love the smell of Snow Fairy and I actually have both the Snow Fairy shower gel and body conditioner already at home.

I femte luckan fick jag en större tester. Här fanns Scrub Scrub Scrub som är en kroppskrubb för torr hud. Har ännu inte provat, men ska bli intressant att göra det.
Behind the fifth door was another sample but a bigger one. Scrub Scrub Scrub is a shower scrub for dry skin. I haven't tried this one yet but it's going to be interesting to try it. I haven't used shower scrubs before.

Sjätte och sista luckan för detta inlägg. För den här dagen hade jag önskat någon produkt jag kan använda på kvällen efter en lång städdag, eftersom vi hade julstädning den dagen. I luckan fanns en Volcano fotmask! Detta var för mig en helt ny produkt och verkade jätte intressant. Jag provade den samma dag men kände tyvärr inte riktigt att den gjorde något, så måste se om det finns några speciella instruktioner ifall jag använde den fel. Kommer självklart ändå använda den tills burken är tom, oberoende om den gör någonting eller inte.
When ordering the calendar I already knew that the sixth of December is going to be a cleaning day, so I wished for something I could use that day after a long day of cleaning. I got the Volcano foot mask which is a completely new product for me. Unfortunately, when I tried it the same day I didn't really feel like it did anything, so I'll have to check reviews and instructions to see if I did something wrong. Nonetheless I'll give it more tries and use it up.
05.58 pm / beauty & nail art · blogmas 2015

06.27 pm / beauty & nail art

I haven't painted my nails in ages, and my friend's birthday party was a perfect reason for me to sit down and paint them. These pictures are taken a few days after I painted them, so the nails are already a little chipped.

Wild&Mild base coat | Essie - Thigh High | Depend Art Liner No. 1061 | Seppälä I Love This Matt Top Coat
I decided to go with a really simple design with some golden dots. I started with a base coat, of course, and painted my nails red before applying some dots with a dottong tool. I decided to go with a matt finish to make it a little more special.

07.14 pm / beauty & nail art
You might have just found the wonderful world of nail art, and now you're wondering what are some nail art supplies you should get. Here's seven things I personally think you should own to make it easier to show the creative side of yourself on your nails, except for nail polish obviously.

Nail files and buffer blocks. Do I even need to add anything to this?
Dotting tools. These are great for, well, dots. There are dotting tools in different sizes, so whenever you want a bigger dot there's no need to try to make one with the small ends. An alternative for dotting tools are tooth picks or bobby pins.
Cuticle trimmer. I rarely use the actual trimmer side of this, unless I feel like it really is necessary. Instead I use it a lot to push back my cuticles.
Brushes. Different brushes are something I think every nail art enthusiast should own. They're great for different kind of stripes and details, and there's lots of different sizes and types. This is the set of brushes I have. If you're someone who's really into details, nail art pens might be something for you!
Tweezers. This shouldn't really be in this list actually, unless you're an active user of nail art decorations. Tweezers make it so much easier! There are also tools that are specifically made for this, but the one's I've tried haven't really worked that well.

Top and base coats. Top coats make your nail polish last longer, and base coats often contain stuff like vitamins and protein to protect your nails. I also have clear nail polish which I use when I don't feel like having any colour on my nails, or sometimes as a top coat if I don't want my nail polish/art to last a long time.

Nail tapes. These are so great to own! You can use them to create the perfect lines or cool nail art, by leaving or removing the tape when finished.
Nail art supplies are often very expensive (or is that just Finland?), so I like to order mine from miniinthebox. They have lots of stuff for really cheap, I always order from there! Another online store, which I haven't ordered from but I've heard a lot about it, is Born Pretty Store. They also have a wide selection of nail art supplies, but it's a little more expensive than the first one.
What are some things you think everyone should own?
08.13 pm / beauty & nail art · writing
I saw on my friend Susanna's blog a make up challenge, - you do your makeup on only half of your face and take a picture showing the difference. I thought this was a really interesting idea so I decided to do it myself, and share some of my thoughts.
My everyday makeup look is foundation, transparent powder, concealer, usually a little bit of bronzer and blush, eyeliner, eyebrow shadow and mascara. The difference isn't even that massive. I look less tired, that's pretty much it.
I don't feel too comfortable leaving my house completely without makeup. I usually wear at least mascara and concealer to cover the possible dark circles under my eyes. But that doesn't mean I feel like I need it. I can leave the house without makeup if I want to. I don't feel beautiful without it, but I don't feel beautiful with it either. I don't wear makeup to cover or hide anything. I simply wear makeup just because I like it. The best thing with makeup is that it's creative, fun and a way to express yourself.

It's super important for everyone to remember that most girls don't wear makeup because of someone else. Sure there might be some exceptions, but most girls wear makeup, exercise, wear a mini skirt just for our own good. Because we want to, and because we like it. Not because someone else wants us to, because someone else thinks we should do it or because they think it looks good. Because honestly, who the fuck has the time to sit and think what everyone else thinks?
You see a lot of people every day - no matter gender or age, who have bad self-esteem and self-confidence. It's mostly about looks and appearance, which is sad. Who cares if you have a spot or two on your face or if you weigh a few kilos too much. You're still beautiful. And you're most likely the only one who cares, or even notices it.
And the most important thing, - no one is perfect. There isn't such thing as perfect. Everyone has more or less flaws. But that doesn't mean there isn't anyone out there who loves your flaws. Just because you aren't perfect doesn't mean no one won't love you. There's at least one person out there somewhere who loves you and all your perfections and imperfections.
You're beautiful, with or without makeup, remember that.
02.24 pm / beauty & nail art

This is the first nail design I did using something of the stuff I got the other day.
I didn't take pictures of the nail polishes I used, as my base coat I used Rimmel's 5 in 1 Base & Top Coat to protect my nails, H&M's black nail polish Manhunter. and Viva La Diva's Gel Top Coat. I added the rhinestones from miniinthebox on each nail with the help of tweezers while the black nail polish was still wet.
Also, I'm sorry you can see my scar from the surgery on the middle picture. I don't think it looks too bad and you can't really see that much of it, so I didn't edit it out. Hopefully no one finds it triggering or anything like that.
01.28 am / beauty & nail art · hauls

I ordered some nail decorations a few weeks ago and today I finally got them in the mail, so I thought I would show you what I got. I also bought a new phone case, which I'll show you in another post later. I bought everything from miniinthebox.
psst. every x is a link to the product.

I bought a pack of 12 different shaped and coloured decorations, there's yellow flowers, red hearts, silver rectangles etc. This was a bit of a disappointment because they were a bit different from the picture on the website, but you can't really expect much when buying from a website like this. The difference isn't that big, not exactly what I wanted but I'll still have use for all of these too! I also bought these simple different coloured studs.

I also bought these like silver-transparent rhinestones. They looked a lot better on the website but they're not too bad irl. I actually painted my nails today and used them, so I'll probably show some pictures tomorrow (or knowing me it'll probably take two weeks). Then I also bought silver square studs.

2,75€ x
This is 12 different coloured striping tapes. To be honest I was probably the most excited about this because I now no longer need to use regular tape for nail art, YAY!
07.23 pm / beauty & nail art

For this nail art design I used the Mavala 48 Black and 49 White nail polishes, Viva la Diva's top coat and a dotting tool.
Since I had the third surgery for my finger at the beginning of June, I finally yesterday got to do some nail art after what felt like forever and I think I was a bit too excited about it. For some reason it looks a lot better irl than in the close-up picture???
I ordered some nail art decorations the other day too, which I'm very excited about.
10.04 pm / beauty & nail art

Lately I've just been doing simple nail art designs, so the other day I felt like trying something different and a bit more difficult, so I searched for pictures of tribal nail art. I found a lot of nice ones, but decided to do this easy, but kinda pretty one instead, even though that was not my plan. Maybe next time.

/ Kone Helsinki Matte M13 (blue) / Viva la Diva 133 (gold) / Depend Art Liner Nr. 1062 (black) / Viva la Diva Top Coat / Dotting Tool /
P.S. Read what I wrote about All Time Low's concert on Sandra's blog here. (in Swedish)
P.S. Read what I wrote about All Time Low's concert on Sandra's blog here. (in Swedish)
12.14 am / beauty & nail art

I got bored of the nail art I made two weeks ago (picture here!), so I tried to do some animated cartoon nail art... which kinda failed. First of all, I didn't have matte top coat so it didn't end up exactly like it should have, and for some reason it was really hard to get the nails on the right hand somewhat nice. But it does still look pretty cool and I really like this nail art.

I painted my nails with the French Kiss nail polish from H&M before outlining them. I don't own a dotting tool, so I used a bobby pin for the dot. I used the Rimmel Lycra PRO Daisy White nail polish for the white line, because it's lighter than the other ones I have and I thought it would be cuter with light lines. I should have used a smaller brush though. As both base and top coat I used Maybelline Color Show Clear Shine.
the hunger games
07.46 pm / beauty & nail art · daily life
11.24 pm / beauty & nail art

DET ÄR JÄVLIGT SVÅRT ATT FOTA SINA EGNA NAGLAR OK? Lackade mina naglar för några dagar sedan och ville ha någonting annorlunda, så det blev Ed inspirerade. Idén fick jag härifrån och gjorde nästan lika, lillfingren gjorde jag lite annorlunda. På vänster står det 'U.N.I' eftersom det är en av mina favoritlåtar av Ed, och på högra handen ska det föreställa en fågel (låten Little Bird). Sammanlagt gjorde jag dem i ca. 10h, en dag var det 6h i streck, så även om de blev ganska fula så ville jag inte bara ta bort allting, som ni säkert förstår.