10.04 pm / daily life · writing

Describe the year in three words. Educative, short, stressful.
What songs will remind you of this year? There are so many! Looking at my 2014 Spotify playlist, I bet Happy, Boom Clap, Rude and Happy Little Pill are ones that will definitely make me think of this year.
What did you spend money on the most? School books, definitely. And beauty products.
What do you wish you had done more/less? I was quite stressed at times, and I wish I would have just tried to take it easier and try to not stress about things that do not matter.
What is something good that happened this year? I finally started high school. I've felt a lot happier too.
What is something bad that happened this year? My granddad died. I also had my third (or fourth?) surgery for my finger.
Did you get better at something, or did you learn something new? The only thing I can think of right now is Spanish. I studied quite a lot of Spanish, which I've wanted to do for so long. 
What are you most proud of? I'm proud that I actually survived the year in 10th grade, and actually managed to get some pretty good grades from there too. I've also been pretty good at this high school thing. Some of my grades could be better, but I've gotten some really good ones too. I've also started going to the gym, and started eating a bit healthier. I've been a really good friend too, if I can say so myself.
Who did you hang out with the most? Definitely my friend Fanny. 
Have you been in a relationship this year? Nope.
Did you meet any new people? Yes! When I started high school this autumn there were a few people in my class who aren't from here, and I have never before spoken to most of the other people either.
Did you travel anywhere? I went to Tallinn for a few days in May, and that's the only place outside Finland I've been to. 
What do you think next year is going to be like? Amazing! 
What are you going to do differently next year? I'm going to challenge myself more, and try more new things. I'm also going to be more active on my blog, take more photos, write and read more. So basically do more of what I enjoy. 
Do you already have any plans for next year? Yes! I'm seeing One Direction twice in the summer, which I'm the most excited about. Also me and my friends all turn 18, so that's exciting (not really).

Sv: Tack! :) Joo alltså den där klockan e helt bäst haha. Jag hade sett den på jättemånga inredningsbilder men aldrig hitta den nånstans, men sen när jag hitta den måsta jag bara köpa den :D

Fina bilder!

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