08.13 pm / beauty & nail art · writing
I saw on my friend Susanna's blog a make up challenge, - you do your makeup on only half of your face and take a picture showing the difference. I thought this was a really interesting idea so I decided to do it myself, and share some of my thoughts.
My everyday makeup look is foundation, transparent powder, concealer, usually a little bit of bronzer and blush, eyeliner, eyebrow shadow and mascara. The difference isn't even that massive. I look less tired, that's pretty much it.
I don't feel too comfortable leaving my house completely without makeup. I usually wear at least mascara and concealer to cover the possible dark circles under my eyes. But that doesn't mean I feel like I need it. I can leave the house without makeup if I want to. I don't feel beautiful without it, but I don't feel beautiful with it either. I don't wear makeup to cover or hide anything. I simply wear makeup just because I like it. The best thing with makeup is that it's creative, fun and a way to express yourself.

It's super important for everyone to remember that most girls don't wear makeup because of someone else. Sure there might be some exceptions, but most girls wear makeup, exercise, wear a mini skirt just for our own good. Because we want to, and because we like it. Not because someone else wants us to, because someone else thinks we should do it or because they think it looks good. Because honestly, who the fuck has the time to sit and think what everyone else thinks?
You see a lot of people every day - no matter gender or age, who have bad self-esteem and self-confidence. It's mostly about looks and appearance, which is sad. Who cares if you have a spot or two on your face or if you weigh a few kilos too much. You're still beautiful. And you're most likely the only one who cares, or even notices it.
And the most important thing, - no one is perfect. There isn't such thing as perfect. Everyone has more or less flaws. But that doesn't mean there isn't anyone out there who loves your flaws. Just because you aren't perfect doesn't mean no one won't love you. There's at least one person out there somewhere who loves you and all your perfections and imperfections.
You're beautiful, with or without makeup, remember that.
12.04 am / music & concerts · writing

If you know me personally or you've been following my blog(s) for a few years, you probably know that I used to be a really big fan of Tokio Hotel. I found them in late 2006/early 2007, but I didn't start calling myself a fan until September 2007. After the release of their Best of album in 2010, you haven't really been hearing much from them. They've been promising new music 'soon' for a while (probably for about two years) and it's mostly just been really interesting to see if there's actually going to be new music or not. But then suddenly there was new music and music videos, and today, after years of waiting, a new album.
When their new song Run, Run, Run was released three weeks ago, I didn't really know what to think. It sounded weird, it didn't sound like them. But it wasn't too bad. Girl Got A Gun on the other hand, not really my thing. I was really scared that the whole album would be bad, but when I heard Love Who Loves You Back, I felt this little happy feeling inside me. Maybe the album wouldn't be too bad.
I was a bit scared to listen to the album today, but I did it. And it's not that bad after all. Their music is so different from what it used to be, it's more electronic. Some songs are completely different, while some other songs do remind of their old music. Which is really nice. I didn't think I would like the new album after hearing the three first songs, but I actually do like it. Zimmer 483 is forever gonna be my favourite Tokio Hotel album (and one of my all time favourite albums), but yeah, this isn't too bad.
And it's not just the music that has changed, they've changed and grown up as people too. They used to be these cute ~19 year old German boys who spoke really bad English, but they've now all grown up to be these really handsome men. Not gonna lie, it feels a tiny bit weird.
I've seen a lot of people complain about the change. Yes, they've changed a lot, but that's just how things work. Everyone and everything changes. A lot of people (including me) hate change, but we just need to accept it and move on. Everything can't always remain the same. And a lot has to do with how we react to it. We need to embrace all the changes that happen in our lives. It doesn't always have to be a bad thing.
When I saw the album was #1 in 27 countries in the iTunes chart, and top 5 in 15 other countries, I actually felt a bit emotional. After all these years they still have a lot of fans, who never left. I personally lost interest and didn't really care anymore around 2011-2013, but I think that's about to change. Tokio Hotel always meant a lot to me, I got new friends because of them. When I think about the years 2007-2009, Tokio Hotel has something to do with all of the memories that pop up in my head. Because of them (Bill, mostly) I had the courage to dye my hair black. I had the courage to be myself, and not think of what anyone else thought about it. It sounds so stupid and cheesy, but they actually meant so, so so so much to me during those years. And them coming back with new music, and especially listening to the new album today, has made me remember all of these things, and made me realise that yes, I still love them after all these years. I will always love them, and they're always gonna be a part of me whether I like it or not.
My favourite songs from the album are probably Love Who Loves You Back, Invaded, Feel It All and Great Day. The only song I don't really like is Girl Got A Gun. You can listen to the album on Spotify here.
I'm sorry this is really long and no one probably cares. I just really felt the need to write about how I feel about it.