09.57 pm / books

As I actively watch YouTube videos, including Zoella's, I'm of course really happy and proud of all these YouTuber's getting book deals. Whether it's fiction, makeup or more fun books. This also means that I have a need of buying pretty much all of them. The second YouTube bok (can I call it that?) I bought was Zoe's Girl Online.
Overall I think this book is quite cute. It does have a clichéd plot, but it didn't really bother me that much. It might just be me who's on an emotional roller coaster whenever I watch or read something, but I did feel a lot of emotions while I was reading, - I fell in love, I got annoyed and other times I sat in my bed just constantly smiling. It was also really easy to read, no difficult words, just basic English. I do think this book was mostly written for young girls. What does bother me a little bit is that Zoe could have done so much with this book and the characthers, - there was absolutely no character development for instance.
You might or might not be aware of the fact that there was a lot of drama around this book when it was released because it's ghostwritten. I don't really see the problem in this, I mean, the story and the characters are all Zoe's, and it's not like this is the first book that's ever been ghostwritten. And of course Zoe needed help, she's not even close to being a professional writer. The writing was sometimes really good, and sometimes a little less, especially in the beginning, which makes me believe that the ghostwriter, Siobhan Curham, did in fact not write everything. It really doesn't bother me, and I don't see why it should bother anyone at all.
Completely ignoring things like the ghostwriting, the poorly written parts and the fact that it's Zoe's book, and only focusing on the story and how it made me feel, I would give it 3 out of 5 stars.

There's a blog post between some chapters, and text messages are shown kinda like actual messages.
This year I will try to read lots of books. My goal is 20 books (which isn't really many, but for me it's quite a lot), and I'm going to write a few words about some of them on my blog. I'm going to be using goodreads to rate the books I've read, and there you can also see what book I'm currently reading and how much I've read. Here is my account, follow or send me a friend request if you'd like.
03.38 pm / hauls

Looks like I've bought stuff again. I ordered a few things from H&M when my mum needed something from there, and I also bought some things from Helsinki when I was there the other day. I also bought this piercing.

Tangle Teezer / Baby Lips Mint Fresh / Baby Lips Dr. Rescue Coral Crave / Natural Code Candy Smile Gloss Stick / Maybelline Dream Sun Bronzing Powder / Maybelline Fit Me Blush

KICKS Professional Foundation Brush and Powder Brush

Prison Break DVD box set / Insurgent and Allegiant

I ordered two face masks and a liquid eyeliner from H&M. In the first picture you can also see these shoes and this oversized jumper which I ordered too.