08.38 pm / books

This book is about Ove's life - both past and present. One day his new neighbours accidentally break his mailbox and after that both Ove's and his neighbours lives change forever. You get to read about his childhood and how he met the love of his life. You get to experience both the good and the bad times.

This is a book I probably wouldn't have read if it wasn't mandatory in a Swedish course at my school. I'm happy it is, because this is probably one of the best books I've read. Before I started reading I thought it would be a fun book about an old man, and oh boy how I was wrong! It's so, so much more than that.
At first I was a bit annoyed at Ove, I really didn't like the character. But as I read more and got to know him more, I kind of fell in love with him. I also fell in love with the other characters, they're all so unique and lovely.
The original language of this book is Swedish, but it has been translated into other languages. Here is a goodreads list where you can see what editions you can find it in.
Go find it in the nearest book store or library, read it and fall in love.
This year I will try to read lots of books. My goal is 20 books (which isn't really many, but for me it's quite a lot), and I'm going to write a few words about some of them on my blog. I'm going to be using goodreads to rate the books I've read, and there you can also see what book I'm currently reading and how much I've read. Here is my account, follow or send me a friend request if you'd like.