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Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children | Book Talk
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Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs / 2011 / Young adult, fantasy / 352 pages / First in a trilogyÂ
I'm really bad at summaries, so I'm letting the blurb on the back of the book do its thing. Â

I heard about this book on YouTube and it sounded really interesting and different from what I've read before so I decided to buy it. I had kind of high expectations, which really is a shame. I definitely think my high expectations ruined it for me a little bit.Â
The book started very slow but there was something that still made me want to continue reading. And I'm glad I did, because once the slow part was over, I was hooked. I loved the addition of the photographs, it made the reading experience interesting and some characters were easier to imagine. I went into the book thinking it would be at least a little creepy, but I did not find it creepy or scary at all. The story was still really interesting and I wanted to know more. It's also Ransom Rigg's first novel, which I'm impressed by because it did not feel like a first novel, at all.Â
I can't say I loved the book, but I definitely did like it a lot and I do love the story and the world. I loved the time travelling aspect in the story, the characters were all very unique, some more likeable than others and there was even a bit of a plot twist, at least for me.

When I finished reading the book, I immediately watched the movie. I was both excited and scared to watch it, to be honest. As a movie it was good and especially for someone who hasn't read the book I can imagine it was a great one, but as someone who read and liked the book I think there were just too many things wrongs with it. I still enjoyed it and I think all the actors did a great job. However, I absolutely prefer the book.Â

My rating for Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children is maybe a 3.75. The slow start of the book really is the only reason I don't want to give it a 4, and 3 or 3.5 feels too low. The reason it took me so long to read it, is simply because I couldn't get into it because of the slow start. I do recommend this book if you have the patience to read through the first half. I'm very excited to read the next book(s) to see how the story continues and if the questions I have will be answered.