last day of summer
01.51 am / photography

I was on the beach with my friends today, where we grilled bacon, sausages and marshmallows and we also had some salad and baguettes. We took pictures and stuff too, it was really fun and especially since we're not in the same school anymore so we can't really see each other that often.
My school starts on Monday, and I'm really not looking forward to it. I don't really know anyone there and I have to travel a lot by train everyday and yeah. I would just rather not leave the house.
My school starts on Monday, and I'm really not looking forward to it. I don't really know anyone there and I have to travel a lot by train everyday and yeah. I would just rather not leave the house.
a few pictures
12.07 am / photography

I'm the worst blogger ever, I'm sorry. I have a few posts in mind though, so hopefully I'm gonna start blogging a bit more soon. Until then, here's a few pictures I took earlier this summer of my grandmother's cat and her turtle.
Monthly favourites - July
08.39 pm / favourites
Jag har bestämt mig för att börja blogga på engelska istället. Jag kommer inte skriva ett inlägg om varför, utan vill ni veta så svarar jag genom kommentarer.
This is a new category, monthly favourites. I basically look back at what I did during the month and share my thoughts with you guys. I got this idea from beauty vloggers on youtube, but I'm gonna do it my way, because I'm not really into make up and stuff so. I hope you like this idea.
This is a new category, monthly favourites. I basically look back at what I did during the month and share my thoughts with you guys. I got this idea from beauty vloggers on youtube, but I'm gonna do it my way, because I'm not really into make up and stuff so. I hope you like this idea.

Things that made me happy. Internet friends always make me really happy. I also spent some time with friends from school, which was nice because I haven't really met any friends this summer, but what made it even better was the fact that we were in Helsinki. Helsinki always makes me happy.
Things that made me sad. The fact that there's a lot of people I can't meet whenever I want to. There's a few people I'd love to see like every day, but distance. If only I had lots of money so I could just take the train and leave this town whenever I feel like doing it, but I can't. There isn't really anything to do in this town either so that sucks a lot.
Things that made me sad. The fact that there's a lot of people I can't meet whenever I want to. There's a few people I'd love to see like every day, but distance. If only I had lots of money so I could just take the train and leave this town whenever I feel like doing it, but I can't. There isn't really anything to do in this town either so that sucks a lot.
Movie. The Notebook. I've never seen it before, but I finally decided to watch it. It was a really cute movie. I liked it.
Book. The fault in our stars, which I already made a blog post about.
Music. I haven't really listened to new music this month, but one of my favourite bands, Panic! at the disco released a new single a few weeks ago, Miss Jackson. It's really good, and one of my favourite songs at the moment.
Food. I have once before eaten couscous, I can't remember when, but I know I liked it. This month I finally decided to buy some and oh-my-god it's so good! If I could, I wouldn't eat anything else for the rest of my life.

One of my favourite pictures I took this month.
Nothing much really happened in July, I've mostly just been home doing absolutely nothing. Hopefully I'll be doing a little more in August. It was a okay month though, sometimes it's really nice not to do anything.