11.57 pm / hauls

I went to Helsinki about a week and a half ago. I met Susanna on Sunday, we just walked around and went to stores and I bought some stuff I didn't really need. I spent the night at hers and on Monday we went to Linnanmäki (an amusement park). Here's what I bought on Sunday.

I bought two nail polishes, Maybelline Color Show Blackout and Chic Chartreuse from the Bleached Neons collection. Because of these two I got a nail file for free. I also bought a Pink Punch Baby Lips Moisturizing Lip Palm.

I kinda hate myself for buying the flower crown but...... I also got new headphones because the ones I had actually broke just a few days before I left.

I bought a Viva la Diva Brow Bar from Kicks. It has an eyebrow pen and brush, shaping wax, shadow (light and dark), a tweezer, highlighter cream and powder. I also needed a waterproof eyeliner for then next day (and you can't have too many eyeliners anyway), so I bought the Rimmel Exaggerate Eyeliner.
I bought a tongue piercing from Ninja for 8,50€. I didn't take a picture because it's already in my mouth and I hate taking pictures of my tongue, but it's just a normal piercing with a blue diamond.
Aaand I think that's it. Lately I've started to blog more about like "beauty" stuff and I'm not sure if I like it or not. What do you think? I do have a blog post idea (not related to beauty) that I'm gonna try to get done before school starts next Tuesday.
05.34 pm / favourites · hauls
These are some things I've bought in the past three months - May, June and July. Instead of showing these same products in a June/July favourites post, I decided to just add a thumbs up in the corner of the picture of my favourite products.

I felt like I needed a new phone case so I bought this super cute owl one. It looks and feels like hard material when it's on your phone, but it's actually a bit of a softer material. 2,75€ from miniinthebox.

Valio Eila Latte maitokahvijuoma This is my new favourite drink! You can find these original ones, mint flavoured and caramel flavoured in most grocery stores in Finland. The one in my picture is 1 litre, but there's also smaller ones. They cost around 2-4€ I believe.

I only have one pair of shoes and I use them every day no matter what the weather is, so the ones I bought 3 or 4 years ago are not exactly the best ones anymore. These ones are a bit different than my old ones but hopefully I'll learn to love these as much as the old ones. 99,90€ from Union Five.

Cutrin Chooz Professional Refreshing Dry-shampoo This is the first dry shampoo I've found that I actually like. It feels like my hair is somewhat clean and it doesn't really feel like I have anything in my hair. What sucks is that you can pretty much only buy this from hair salons, I bought it from Prisma but the nearest one is like an hour and a half away. Hopefully I can either find this one online or find another one I like because I need a new one soon. 100 ml 6-7€.

I've wanted/needed a new wallet for almost two years now, and I found this one in Estonia. At first I wasn't too sure about it since it's so big, but I've actually started to like it because I can also fit both my phone and keys in it, and sometimes if I don't need a bag with me I can just take my wallet and put everything in it. I bought it for 10€ from Tallinn.

Dream Lumi Touch Highlighting Concealer from Maybelline I've repurchased this one probably like five times now. It's suitable for all skin types, sensitive skin too - which is great. One thing I'm not really too happy about is that you might get a bit too much product out of it when you twist, but after using it for a few months it doesn't happen that often. There could also be a bit more product in it. 10,90€.

Midnight Sparkles Nail Polish from Tanya Burr If you watch YouTube videos you've probably heard of Tanya Burr at least once. A few months ago she launched her own lip and nail collection, with some really nice looking lip glosses and nail polishes. My friend ordered some things for herself and she was also kind enough to order this nail polish for me, since I couldn't. I'ts really hard to get the colour on picture, but it's a really nice dark purple colour. I'll make sure to blog more about it when I've tried it.