11.49 pm / personal
I'm sorry for all the text but I really wanted to do this.
2. Ever been in love? Yes.
3. Ever had a terrible breakup? No.
4. How tall are you? About 165 cm.
5. How much do you weigh? Too much.
1. What are you wearing? A pyjamas.
3. Ever had a terrible breakup? No.
4. How tall are you? About 165 cm.
5. How much do you weigh? Too much.
6. Any tattoos? Nope.
7. Any piercings? Tongue and ears.
8. OTP? I honestly have way too many.
9. Favourite shows? I have too many, but I guess That '70s Show and How I Met Your Mother are my all time favourites.
10. Favourite bands? 30 Seconds to Mars, We The Kings, All Time Low and Fall Out Boy.
11. Something you miss? The day I met Jack Howard last year. Also a few concerts I've been to. And being in the same school as my friends.
12. Favourite song? Currently probably Keep Swinging by Blitz Kids.
13. How old are you? Currently 16. My birthday is in three weeks though.
14. Zodiac sign? Aries.
15. Quality you look for in a partner? I don't "look" for something special. If I can trust and enjoy spending time with the person, I'm happy. I mean, I used to be like "I would never date someone who smokes", but honestly, if I really like that person it shouldn't be a problem. 

16. Favourite quotes? "It's a good thing to be strange, normalness leads to sadness."
17. Favourite actor? Jennifer Lawrence, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill and Dylan O'brien.
18. Favourite colour? Black and orange.
19. Loud music or soft? Loud, but it also depends on the situation.
20. Where do you go when you're sad? My room.
21. How long does it take you to shower? 10-20 minutes usually.
22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? About 15-20 minutes, but it depends on how much time I have and what I have to do. If I'm going to school and I've overslept I can get ready in like 5 minutes and get the same result I'd get when it takes me 15 minutes, but if I'm for example meeting my friends on a Saturday and I'm doing both my hair and make up it can take me up to an hour.
23. Ever been in a physical fight? No?
24. Turn on? I really like it when someone isn't afraid to like, act like a kid sometimes if you know what I mean. Like, watching Pokémon, Moomins, Spongebob and stuff like that, and for example go to the playground and swing or something, you know. Like not being so mature all the time. Just being able to have fun in other ways than going to a party and getting drunk. And not always choosing to get drunk with friends over a movie night at home with me, that's cool too. It's also really nice when the person has a nice smile and isn't scared to show affection in public.
25. Turn off? When the person doesn't really make you feel special, just likes to party and get drunk every weekend, and doesn't make plans or is just like "you choose what we should do, I don't care" you know? It's like really nice if the person just randomly says something like "hey, let's go out for a walk" or plans a nice dinner or something.

26. The reason I joined YouTube/started my blog? I was bored.
27. Fears? Failing at life, - having a terrible job and having just enough money for food. Not getting to make my dreams come true and stuff like that. And birds. Those things are scary as hell.
28. Last thing that made you cry? Well my friend (who's in America) called me at like 9am on Sunday to wake me up and tell me she met the person who means the most to me and got me a video shoutout > click <. I'm not even kidding I cried so much. There was also a tear on my cheek on Monday when someone suddenly followed me on twitter. I honestly wasn't expecting it at all and I was in the middle of a class when I saw it haha.
29. Last time you said you loved someone? Face to face in like 2010, but if tweets count then a few days ago.
30. Meaning behind your YouTube/blog name? My first and middle name.
31. Last book you read? The Fault In Our Stars by John Green.
32. The book you're currently reading? Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins.
33. Last show you watched? Baby Daddy.
34. Last person you talked to? My mum.
35. The relationship between you and the person you last texted? My mum.
36. Favourite food? Italian food like pizza and pasta. And chicken.
37. Place you want to visit? I would like to travel all around the world, but London, Tokyo and Los Angeles are three places I really want to visit one day.
38. Last place you were? School.
39. Do you have a crush? Not really.

40. Last time you kissed someone? 4 years ago.
41. Last time you were insulted? No idea.
42. Favourite flavour of sweet? I don't really like candy so..
43. What instruments do you play? None.
44. Favourite piece of jewellery? I don't have one out of the ones I own, but I really like wristbands.
45. Last sport you played? Hahahahah.
46. Last song you sang? She Looks So Perfect by 5 Seconds of Summer.
47. Favourite chat up line? Don't have one.
48. Have you ever used it? Obviously not.
49. Last time you hung out with anyone? Last Saturday.
50. Who should answer these questions next? Anyone who wants to and doesn't have anything better to do.
10.42 pm / music & concerts

As most of you probably know already, I saw 30 Seconds to Mars live last Saturday! We had seats really near the stage and the concert was just amazing. I can't believe I've been lucky enough to see them twice within a year.
Earlier that day we went to the Artifact screening in Helsinki and just wow. It wasn't just a great documentary, it was actually really eye-opening too. You can get it on iTunes and you should definitely watch it, even if you're not a fan of the band.

11.22 pm / daily life

I've been lying in bed the past 4 days while coughing my lungs out, cuddling with my cats and drinking caramel hot chocolate from my favourite mug. I've also managed to watch three seasons of That '70s show (and started and finished My Mad Fat Diary) and changed some things on my blog (refresh if you can't see it!).
There are some good news too - I'm seeing 30 Seconds to Mars in five days!