10.30 pm / daily life · photography
It's been two weeks since my summer holiday started, and honestly I haven't done much at all. Not that there has been much to do either, since the weather has been absolutely rubbish most of the time. What I have done though, is spent way too much time on my computer. I've gone through all the pictures on my computer, and ended up deleting thousands, as well as editing quite a few too.

The same day my holiday started, I went to the beach to take some pictures of my friends who graduated. I also visited Helsinki with my friend on the 12th, since it was Helsinki-päivä and there was a free concert with artists like Robin and JVG.

One of the things I really want to do this summer, is to start taking photos again. I absolutely loved it a few years ago, and I still do, I just never actually grab my camera and go take those pictures I daydream about. And the sad thing is that most of the time it's like my brain doesn't even remember cameras still exist.
// Sommarlovet började för två veckor sedan, och helt ärligt har jag inte fått så mycket gjort. Jag har dock spenderat väldigt mycket tid vid datorn, då jag har sett igenom alla bilder på datorn och därmed raderat tusentals samt redigerat en hel del också. Samma dag som mitt lov började gick jag till stranden för att ta några bilder på mina vänner som tagit studenten, och den 12e åkte jag till Helsingfors för att njuta av en gratis koncert med artister som Robin och JVG.
Jag älskade att fota för några år sedan, och även om jag fortfarande älskar det, så tar jag jätte sällan upp kameran för att fota. Ibland dagdrömmer jag om alla fina bilder jag kunde ta, men för det mesta lever jag med en hjärna som har totalt glömt bort att kameror alls existerar. Så denna sommaren vill jag definitivt börja fota igen!
02.56 pm / travelling
On Friday, our second day in Saint Petersburg, we saw quite a lot, and luckily we had a bus so we didn't have to walk as much as the day before. We started the day by going to a school, where there was a museum that had to do with our home town. We also got to see more of the school, the classrooms and some students, and know a little more about the school and the shool system in Russia.

Afterwards we visited the Monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad, and the Piskarevskoye Memorial Cemetery. The cemetery was definitely an interesting experience. It was so huge, and there was even music playing everywhere to "set the mood".

We also went to the Peter and Paul Fortress, and the Summer Garden, which we actually weren't supposed to go to at first. Before dinner we visited the Church of St. Panteleimon, but we weren't allowed to take pictures inside (and I forgot to take a picture from the outside).