11.35 pm / daily life · writing
I had work experience these two past weeks, which I spent at the kindergarten and at a school. I really enjoyed both, especially the kindergarten. The kids were so adorable and being around them made me so so happy. I was really exhausted after the 6 hours I was there every day, but so happy.
My days started at 8 a.m. and ended around 2 p.m. We were outside one and a half hours a day, and most of the time I played with the kids and oh my god they were so energetic. It was a lot of running and yelling, but I actually really enjoyed it, I haven't done that stuff in years.
My days started at 8 a.m. and ended around 2 p.m. We were outside one and a half hours a day, and most of the time I played with the kids and oh my god they were so energetic. It was a lot of running and yelling, but I actually really enjoyed it, I haven't done that stuff in years.
I was at a school the second week, grades one to six, ages 7 to 12. I got to choose what classes I was in, unless a teacher needed my help. There was a class with both 3rd and 4th graders and I think I was with them the most. The first graders were really adorable, they're still so young and they didn't really know yet what school actually is about. I got to help the kids with maths, which I actually thought I wouldn't be able to do, but it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, haha.
What made me upset was hearing some of the kids conversations, what even has happened to the world? How do these small kids know and talk about all that stuff - why do they know about it - they're 11, why is this acceptable?
I've for years wanted to work with kids, either as a teacher or at a kindergarten, and to be honest this didn't make it easier for me to decide anything. I mean, just because I enjoyed the kindergarten better doesn't mean I would rather work there. I'M JUST A 16 YEAR OLD GIRL WHY DO I HAVE TO DECIDE THIS STUFF ALREADY.
Låter som kiva prao :)
Va tala dom barnen om? Nu ha man ju själv o hört hu dom t.ex. svär och röker, just någo 12 åringar.. Man blir ju rikit arg när man ser sånt!
Sv: Aaaa joo, men ja förstår. Man börjar verkligen tänka att vart går denhär världen när allt yngre beter sig som tonåringar/unga vuxna. Usch, som tur e man ren själv förbi dom tidena, sku int vara kiva o vara liten nu i dehä samhälle :3
Sv: Hehe, joo så e de :P dehär åre ha fari verkligen så snabbt fö de känns int som ett helt år ha fari :D Tack! :D