09.43 pm / favourites
At first I was supposed to post a "current favourites" post, but since it's been so long since the last time I blogged, this won't just be about products.
My old fairy lights broke a few months ago, and my mum found these purple ones that she thought would look nice in my room. Which they do! I especially love having them now around Christmas.
We got iPads from school (they were not free, we do have to pay for them!) so obviously this is my new favourite thing. I hardly even use my computer anymore, using the iPad is so much easier.
I got this mascara from my friend Susanna after her trip to USA and I love it. Unfortunately you can't get it from Finland and I don't think there's much left of mine anymore. How will I survive?
School isn't one of my favourites, but I didn't want to not mention this at all. As you might know, I started high school in August and it's actually going quite well. At times it gets really stressful, especially when I leave everything to the last minute and suddenly there's five different essays or other projects that need to be done that day. But I've still managed to get some pretty good grades, especially in languages!
As you may or may not know, One Direction are finally coming to Finland. And they're having not only one, but two concerts here. And I'm going to both of them! My bank account hates me, but considering I've been a fan for years and I honestly thought I would never get to see them live, at least not in Finland, I just have to go. Also, their new album FOUR is so good! Even if you're not a fan, listen to it. Spotify link here.
I also finally managed to get a gym membership, which I'm really proud of myself for. A year ago if you would have asked me if I think I'll be going to the gym in a year, I would just have laughed. I created a "happy and healthy" blog a few months ago but I actually never did anything about it. But now! Click.