01.39 am / hauls
Since I got a new phone for Christmas I ordered two phone cases a week and a half ago. I didn't find a black studded phone case so I decided I should make one myself and bought a black case and some studs. I also bought this super cute cat phone case with a tail and ears (≧◡≦)
I bought a foundation brush too since I needed a new one and it was quite cheap.
I've also been working on a new blog design, if you can't see it just refresh the page. I like having a simple design so there's not really any big changes. If you want to know more about me just click on "about me" under the header, and if you're interested in what camera equipment I have you can find it by clicking "camera".
Nej va söt mobilskal :D
Sv: Ååå ja förstår, ha haft samma problem hos pappa när mitt rum dit har typ samma form som din o just att take far som de far :D